Junior School

Junior Kindergarten

Our unique Junior Kindergarten (four-year-old) program is a 10-month program that has been developed from best practices worldwide. An inquiry-based program, we focus on literacy and numeracy with ample time for our students to learn through exploration. A flexible schedule allows for time in our Centre for Learning & Wellness, Benidickson Centre for Arts & Design, and exploring our magnificent outdoor spaces. With an enhanced child-to-educator ratio, the day is filled with a combination of child-directed and educator-guided classroom activities, as well as music, dance, French, and physical education.

With the child at the heart of the program, Junior Kindergarten provides a solid foundation of inquiry for Junior School, particularly International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP).

Daily Schedule

List of 4 items.

  • 7:45 – 8:30 a.m.

    Drop-off time.
  • 8:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.

    Core learning time. All students should be in attendance. Lunch and two healthy snacks served daily.
  • 3:15 – 4:15 p.m.

    Pick-up time.
  • 4:15 – 5:30 p.m.

    Extended Day (additional costs apply).


  • September to June
  • Follows Junior School (Kindergarten to Grade 5) calendar.


  • Tunic or Skort
  • Blouse or Polo Shirt
  • Black Shoes
  • Knee Socks or Tights
  • Athletic Wear
  • The traditional No. 1 school uniform is a tunic, long-sleeved blouse, and tie.

Balmoral Hall School

630 Westminster Ave. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada  R3C 3S1
Tel: (204) 784-1600 | Fax: (204) 774-5534 | info@balmoralhall.ca
Charitable Registration No. 12994 3932 RR0001
Our mission at Balmoral Hall School is to inspire girls’ imagination and the courage to excel, to reach, to lead, to care.

We are a nondenominational independent day and boarding school, educating students from Junior Nursery to Grade 12.

Information on this website can be requested through an accessible format or communication support by contacting us at communications@balmoralhall.ca or (204) 784-1603.