
Ways to Give

Strategic charitable giving can help you save on taxes while supporting the charities you care most about.

Choose what works best for you.

CHEQUES can be payable to Balmoral Hall School and mailed to:

Philanthropy Office
Balmoral Hall School
630 Westminster Avenue
Winnipeg MB  R3C 3S1

CREDIT CARD DONATIONS may be made Visa, MasterCard or American Express.

To make a gift on your credit card, please choose an option:
  • Make a gift online.
  • Call the Philanthropy office at (204) 784-1615.
  • Mail your credit card information to the address above.

ONLINE PAYMENT THROUGH BANK may be made directly to Balmoral Hall School. Most major banks have Balmoral Hall School set up online as a ‘Bill Payee,’ although, unfortunately, credit unions do not. Simply log in to your online banking portal and add Balmoral Hall School as a bill payee (like you would pay your utilities). Under account number and/or name, please use the word "DONATION." Once you submit payment, it may take up to two business days for Balmoral Hall School to receive your donation. Please email if you wish to confirm receipt.

SECURITIES can be donated by downloading either the Balmoral Hall School — Endowment Fund Securities Transfer Form or the BH Foundation Securities Transfer Form. Please contact the Philanthropy office to discuss your plans so we can work with our broker to arrange the contribution.

List of 9 items.

  • 1. Determine the cost of your gift

    The Globe & Mail wrote an article recently Charitable Donation Tax Credit Calculator to determine the total tax credits of your donation, based on your income.
  • 2. Remember the deadline

    Your gifts must be completed by midnight on December 31st in order to receive a charitable deduction for the current tax year.
    Although Balmoral Hall is closed for the winter break at the end of December and into early January, you can still make an online donation, or mail a cheque. Ensure the post-mark on your envelope is dated in December to qualify. Keep in mind that gifts of stocks or other securities may take 2-3 weeks to process at year-end.
    *Please note that if you are making an online donation, your credit card will not be processed until the week of January but still qualifies for a tax receipt dated with the previous year.
  • 3. Give Securities instead of cash

    Do you own securities or mutual funds that have increased in value since you bought them? Then making a direct donation of those shares is the more tax-efficient way to support your favourite charities.
    The Canada Revenue Agency does not apply capital gains tax on donations of publicly traded securities. Capitals gains are the increase in the value of your securities over the price you paid at purchase.
    When you sell your shares for cash, you’re responsible for the tax due on the gain, even if you plan to donate the proceeds from the sale. If you pay the tax out of those proceeds, there’s less money left to donate. Your charity receives a smaller donation and you have a smaller tax receipt to claim against your income tax at the end of the year.
    But when you donate your securities, those capital gains aren’t subject to tax. This means your charity receives a larger gift, and you’ll benefit from a tax receipt for the full value of your eligible securities or mutual funds.
    To arrange a gift of securities:
    1. Submit the appropriate Securities Transfer Form to your financial advisor.
    2. Securities are transferred to RF SECURITIES CLEARING L.P., Account Transfer Department, 145 King Street West, Suite 200, Toronto, ON M5H 1J8.
    3. Securities are sold and the donation is forwarded to Balmoral Hall School or BH Foundation.
    4. Balmoral Hall School or BH Foundation sends you a tax receipt.
    To make a flow through donation to Balmoral Hall School, for example, to support initiatives like our Student Impact Fund, download the Balmoral Hall School – Flow Through Account Form.

    To make a donation to the BH Foundation endowment fund download the
    BH Foundation Securities Transfer Form.
    * December 15 is the Balmoral Hall year-end deadline for donations of securities to allow sufficient time to process the transfer before the school closes for winter break.
  • 4. Give someone else's money

    Hundreds of companies across the country match employee contributions to nonprofits. If you are a current employee, spouse or retiree, your employer may have a Corporate Matching Gift Program to augment your contribution to Balmoral Hall School. Check with your human resources department to find out their policies on gift matching.
  • 5. Break it down

    A big gift seems hard to make until you break it down. Whether you want to contribute once per year, or once per month, we can find something that fits into your charitable giving plans.
    We invite you to join the Monthly Giving Program. With options of post-dated cheques, direct withdrawal from your bank account, or on credit card, spreading out your annual contribution over several months can be an easy way to make a larger gift that immediately impacts students.
    Please select “Recurring Gift” on the online donation form, or call (204) 784-1615 to arrange a monthly contribution.

    Your Gift Over 1 Year
    *12-month installments

    Your Gift Over 5 Years
    *60-month installments

  • 6. Receive a U.S. tax receipt

    You can receive a U.S. tax receipt for your donation to Balmoral Hall School.

    Simply make your cheque payable to
    Friends of Independent Schools & Better Education (FRISBE) and mail to:
    Friends of Independent Schools & Better Education (FRISBE)
    533 – 117 E. Louisa St.
    Seattle WA  98102
    United States

    Please note on your cheque that you wish to direct your donation to Balmoral Hall School.

    You can also receive a U.S. tax receipt for your donation to any of our endowed funds held at The Winnipeg Foundation.

    Simply make your cheque payable to
    The Winnipeg Foundation U.S.A. and mail to:
    The Winnipeg Foundation
    1350 – 1 Lombard Pl.
    Winnipeg MB  R3B 0X3

    Please note on your cheque that you wish to direct your donation to The Balmoral Hall School Foundation.
  • 7. Plan a future that costs you nothing now

    Did you know you can continue doing what you love - supporting a bright future for BH girls - even after your lifetime? Many of our donors have found that arranging a gift as part of their estate plans provides an opportunity to make a larger gift than they ever thought possible.
    The most popular options are:
    1. A bequest in your will
    2. A life insurance policy where Balmoral Hall is named the beneficiary
    To learn more about our legacy program and recognition offered through the Meliora Petens Legacy Society, please click here.
  • 8. Keep it simple

    If you are new to our school community or are unsure where your support is most needed, consider choosing to give to the Head’s Fund. This fund allows Mrs. Kamins to take advantage of opportunities throughout the school year and make an immediate difference in the lives of BH girls.
  • 9. Seek out good advice

    Working with advisors who understand the tax planning opportunities above is the key to success. They can help you avoid potential problems and maximize opportunities you may not be aware of.
Please note: This information is not intended as legal or tax advice, and Balmoral Hall School recommends that you consult with your personal tax adviser regarding charitable deductions, as your tax circumstances may be different.

Balmoral Hall School

630 Westminster Ave. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada  R3C 3S1
Tel: (204) 784-1600 | Fax: (204) 774-5534 |
Charitable Registration No. 12994 3932 RR0001
Our mission at Balmoral Hall School is to inspire girls’ imagination and the courage to excel, to reach, to lead, to care.

We are a nondenominational independent day and boarding school, educating students from Junior Nursery to Grade 12.

Information on this website can be requested through an accessible format or communication support by contacting us at or (204) 784-1603.