Your support of Balmoral Hall School is an investment in BH girls. In many ways, our mission is now more important than ever — preparing girls to excel, to reach, to lead, and to care.

Tuition covers Balmoral Hall School’s operating costs, including teacher salaries, learning resources, and facility maintenance. An enriched Balmoral Hall experience is only possible with the strong financial support of our community, including parents, alumnae and their families, grandparents, employees, and friends. Every donation – however big or small – helps educate the leaders of tomorrow who will create a world to be proud of for generations to come.

Thank you for your participation.

List of 7 frequently asked questions.

  • Q: What is the annual campaign?

    The annual campaign is a fundraising program that asks parents, grandparents, employees, alumnae, and their families for financial contributions to provide learning resources and student financial aid not funded through the annual operating budget.
  • Q: How much do donors typically give?

    The Annual Fund’s success comes from both large donors and a significant number of people whose gifts may seem small but together make a big difference. We hope that you will make Balmoral Hall School a priority for your charitable giving by making a gift that feels right to you.
  • Q: Are donations tax-deductible?

    Yes. As a registered charity, Balmoral Hall School issues tax receipts. Gifts made between January 1 and December 31 are eligible for a yearly tax receipt, which reduces the amount of tax you may need to pay the government.
  • Q: How can families participate?

    You can use a credit card or set up an automatic bank withdrawal using our online donation form. Cheques payable to Balmoral Hall School can be mailed to the Philanthropy office or you can donate securities. If you prefer, call (204) 784-1615 to arrange a donation by phone.
  • Q: What is the easiest way to give?

    Monthly! Set it and forget it. You can spread out your gift over time by setting up a recurring donation that gets automatically processed every month. This can be done using the online donation form, or by calling (204) 784-1615.
  • Q: When does the campaign end?

    The annual giving campaign runs each school year, from July 1 to May 31. Our goal for this fundraising program is to raise the level of participation as close to 100% as possible before May 31. Donating early means your contributions can be put to work right away!
  • Q: How will my gift be recognized?

    Balmoral Hall School’s Annual Review is published in the fall and includes the names of donors by giving club unless anonymity is requested. Once you have donated to four or more consecutive annual giving campaigns, your name is also listed on the donor wall at the entrance of Benidickson Centre for Arts & Design. 

List of 1 items.

List of 3 items.

  • Bleachers

    ONLY 15 seats left!
    Buy a seat for $500 to recognize an alum, a student or business in our NEW modern, comfortable, and retractable bleacher seating.
    Read More
  • Wish List

    Your support of our Student Impact Fund provides immediate funding that will directly impact students. General donations can be made to this fund, or, if you prefer, your donation can be earmarked for specific items as follows …
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  • Birthday Book Club

    The Birthday Book Club is a way for families to celebrate their child's birthday while supporting the Balmoral Hall Library. Visit the Birthday Book Club page for details.

List of 1 items.

  • Emergency Relief Financial Aid Fund

    Donations to our Emergency Relief Financial Aid Fund provide immediate support to students whose families experience unforeseen financial hardship.
    Read More

List of 2 items.

  • Class of 2025 Bursary Fund

    When the graduates of 2018 learned that one of five students at Balmoral Hall School would not be able to afford the full cost of tuition without financial aid and/or bursary support, they started a beautiful tradition and established our first Class Fund.
    Read More
  • Girls of Promise Endowment Fund

    A girl of promise is a student with exceptional potential to be fostered at an all-girls school who requires bursary support to attend Balmoral Hall School on an ongoing basis.
    Read More

Balmoral Hall School

630 Westminster Ave. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada  R3C 3S1
Tel: (204) 784-1600 | Fax: (204) 774-5534 |
Charitable Registration No. 12994 3932 RR0001
Our mission at Balmoral Hall School is to inspire girls’ imagination and the courage to excel, to reach, to lead, to care.

We are a nondenominational independent day and boarding school, educating students from Junior Nursery to Grade 12.

Information on this website can be requested through an accessible format or communication support by contacting us at or (204) 784-1603.