
Katie Hall Hursh, LLB, P ’35 and ’37

In my current role as Vice President, I am a member of the executive team for The Megill-Stephenson Company Limited, overseeing portfolio growth for its group of companies, which range from large-scale real estate development to healthcare to automotive sales.
In addition to serving as Vice Chair of the boards of directors for Balmoral Hall School Foundation and Health Sciences Centre Foundation, I am an advisor to Flora Fertility, a direct-to-consumer insurance solution start-up for fertility and women’s health as well as a limited partner of the Women’s Equity Lab (WEL) in Manitoba, a women-led investment fund focusing on providing funding to early stage businesses.
Recently, I chaired two successful fundraising campaigns: one to fund bursaries for girls of promise at Balmoral Hall School; and the other in support of improved emergency gynecological care at Winnipeg’s Women’s Hospital.
As a mother of three young children, I am deeply committed to supporting causes and business initiatives that seek to improve our future.
As the very proud mom to two young daughters who attend Balmoral Hall School, I admire the culture of warmth and inclusiveness and a commitment to excellence in raising our next generation of leaders. Attending the International Women’s Day Assembly on March 8, 2024 underscored just how special the Balmoral Hall School community is. I was moved to further commit to doing all that I can to help as we pull together towards a common purpose.
My involvement with Balmoral Hall School Foundation has provided me with innumerable opportunities to collaborate with other volunteers, donors, and staff, all of whom are dedicated, brilliant, and passionate supporters of Balmoral Hall School and our children. It has been an incredibly rewarding experience to work with them.

Balmoral Hall School

630 Westminster Ave. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada  R3C 3S1
Tel: (204) 784-1600 | Fax: (204) 774-5534 | info@balmoralhall.ca
Charitable Registration No. 12994 3932 RR0001
Our mission at Balmoral Hall School is to inspire girls’ imagination and the courage to excel, to reach, to lead, to care.

We are a nondenominational independent day and boarding school, educating students from Junior Nursery to Grade 12.

Information on this website can be requested through an accessible format or communication support by contacting us at communications@balmoralhall.ca or (204) 784-1603.